
Friday, July 15, 2011

New Additions to the Blog Roll!

I'm pleased to add the following websites to the blog roll on the right...I encourage you to visit them - I'm sure you'll find something of interest!

1) Peachridge Glass (here) - Anyone who reads this blog regularly knows that I have an interest (passion!) in 19th- and early 20th-century patent medicines (a related recent post is here) collecting interests include bottles, packages, and (especially) ephemera. It took me awhile, but I finally became a member of the Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors (FOHBC, here)...within minutes (literally!) of sending in my membership, I received a very kind note from Mr. Ferdinand Meyer welcoming me to the "club" and - as it turns out - he is also from here in the Houston area. He and his wife are active in FOHBC and are enthusastic and expert bottle collectors themselves. He has already become a friendly and faithful correspondent! They operate a GREAT and informative blog at Peachridge Glass (here) just HAVE to check out the beautiful photographs of the impressive bottle collection in their home (here).

2) Emma Hardinge Britten Archive (here) - I have also posted a few times on my interest in 19th-century American Spiritualism...a few months ago I posted on an interesting 1867 pamphlet in my collection (post is here) that featured the important Spiritualist personality Emma Hardinge Britten. Marc Demarest maintains a very impressive "open source scholarly archive" (here) devoted to the study of EHB - including "bibliographies of primary and secondary material, chronologies with backing evidentiary records, various artifacts of EHB's life, papers and articles on topics in EHB scholarship, and a "curator's blog." Anyone interested in this aspect of 19th-century popular and religious culture is bound to find something interesting!

3) And finally, I want to welcome back Rusty Williams' "My Old Confederate Home" blog (here) to the blogroll...this excellent blog is devoted to his book by the same name, a chronicle of the Kentucky Confederate Home...Rusty took a bit of a hiatus so I had dropped it from the roll for awhile...but he's back at it with an impressive amount of supporting material and additional stories. Stay tuned in the next day or so for my interview with Rusty!

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