Daniel is a native Marylander whose family ties go back to the late 1700s! Since the earliest days of his childhood, he has been interested in history in general and the Civil War in particular. He is a graduate of the University of Maryland, School of Business and is an expert in the field of international logistics. He is the author of several books on the Civil War in Maryland.
He is also an expert on the role of railroads in the Civil War and gave us a great introduction to the importance of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad in the war, especially in the first few weeks.
Dan's contention is that with the secession of Virginia, Maryland became the most important state, Baltimore the most important city, Relay the most important station, and the B&O the most important railroad...and he made an excellent case!

In the spring of 2011, the B&O Railroad Museum is opening a 4-year special exhibit on railroads and the Civil War in commemoration of the Civil War sesquicentennial, 2011-15, and Dan Toomey is helping with the exhibit!
Answer: An ICOSIKAIDIGON is a 22-sided figure, such as the famous Roundhouse at the B&O Railroad Museum!

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