I'll continue to use this blog as an archive for my "Medical Department" columns, book reviews, writing news, etc., as I have for more than two years now, but I'll be posting shorter notes, especially images on Facebook, often before longer posts appear here.
For example, I've already posted an album of medical-related Civil War patriotic covers (envelopes) in my collection as well as images from wartime issues of the American Phrenological Journal.
I've also found that people tend to comment more on the Facebook posts than here on the blog, which is just super.
A link to my profile appears under the blogroll on the right-hand side of the page, and here.
Found your site very interesting. I found one that could be of interest to Civil War buffs like yourself--www.civilwarmedicineshow.com.
Mike - thanks for the kind words and the link...I've been keeping my eye on updates about that documentary and have been in touch with the producer. Also visited your Philly blog...terrific look at sites of the city!
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