(Original Spelling Maintained Throughout) (Click on graphics for enlargements)
February 10th 1866
Mr Gordon Dear Sir:
I was informed by the assistent agent that the department paid for decesed soldiers in nine or twelve months and as there is now thirteen months past since the death of my son and I have not received eny word from you yet I have thought that you might have written and miscarried I wish you woud drop me a line and let me know how it is.
If you write to me state whither she is entitled to a pension or not.
Yours Truly, Abraham King
Penna Mil Agency Feby 1th 66
Respectfully submitted to the 2d Aud (illegible) T'sry Dept for information concerning the within case David King Private Co. C 84th Pa. Vols Died Jany 7th 65 Filed Aug 16th 65
Additional Endorsement:
The within named claim will be taken up for setllement as soon as the muster payroll are received in this office covering the date of death of this soldier
2nd auditor's Office
Feb 17/66
Other "Civil War Pension Material" posts:
#1 - Horse Thieves and Deserters
#2 - Red Tape
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