Friday, June 6, 2014

TULSA WORLD - June 6, 1944

I love old newspapers.  The look, the feel, the news - of course - the ads, the unexpected finds.

Newspapers published on a particularly historic day are all the more interesting - the older the event, there are often more innaccuracies in the first stories, and if you have a few days worth of the same paper, you can see how the story develops.

Today is the 70th anniversary of D-Day, June 6, 1944.

I happily share some images from a June 6, 1944 (Final Evening Edition) issue of the Tulsa World in my collection. Bold Headlines. Breaking News. Statemets from the President. Cheap Suits. Rationed Cigarettes.

Enjoy.  Remember.

1 comment:

Carol N Wong said...

Thank you for the D day newspaper articles! Hard to believe that men's suits used to cost that little (although a lot back then).