It's all the more gratifying because Civil War News is where I got my writing "bona fides," as I've penned the "Medical Department" column on a regular basis since 2000! Kay and Pete Jorgensen - managing editor and publisher at CWN - have been extremely supportive of my writing and research efforts over the years, which I appreciate very much, indeed.
If you don't subscribe to The Civil War News, you should! You can learn how to get a sample issue here.
"James M. Schmidt’s Lincoln’s Labels chronicles the roles of several renowned contemporary American corporations whose roots extended back to and even beyond the Civil War. But it was this conflict, as Schmidt writes, that significantly impacted the companies’ future success. The stories he recounts are fascinating and enlightening...
...Lincoln’s Labels is a solid work, well-researched and ably written. The subject is seldom addressed in most Civil War books, but the stories are worth retelling. This is a fine book and recommended for readers interested in aspects other than campaigns, battles, and military figures."
You can read the whole review here!
Thank You to Civil War News and Mr. Wert!
Read more reviews of Lincoln's Labels here:
Civil War Times magazine
Brett Schulte - TOCWOC
James Durney (also at TOCWOC!)
Rea Andrew Redd - The Civil War Librarian
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Andrew Wagenhoffer - Civil War Books and Authors
Michael Aubrecht - Pinstripe Press
Reader Testimonial
Advance Praise/Blurbs
Wow; congratulations on yet another great review from a very prominent reviewer. Great job.
--Russell Bonds
Dittos on the review. Just when you thought everything related to the Civil War had been touched upon in some form or fashion, along comes Lincoln's Labels. I thoroughly enjoyed the book. The writing was impeccable and each chapter provides a wellspring of information on the origin of products/companies that are still on today's market.
It just goes to show that the Civil War still impacts America to this day, in ways that many of us were not even aware of.
Bill Gurley
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