#2 - Red Tape
#4 - Ohio Military Home
#5 - Squirrel Hunters
People who are researching their Civil War ancestors already know that pension records can contain a wealth; indeed, generally more personal information than is found in the Compiled Military Service Records (CMSRs). According to a great guide from the National Archives and Records Administration, pensions records can include:
Although the War Department kept copious enlistment and muster records, veterans sometimes had to get affidavits to prove their service. More often, soldiers had to secure an affidavit to support a disability claim if a record of his disease(s) or wound(s) was not available, despite equally copious records kept by the Medical Department.
The letter below details one soldier's (Milton S. Dunham, Co. B, 3rd New York Cavalry) attempt to get in touch with past comrades - indeed, at least three different men - in order to get just such affidavits on his behalf to support a pension application and/or get an increase. He seems particularly interested in getting proof that he had succumbed to smallpox. Furthermore, this is clearly not his first contact with this man.
Consider some of the difficulties men in the ranks, like Dunham, faced in doing this: as time went on (this letter was written more than 25 years after the war), officers may have already passed away. Dunham confessed his own memory was weaker, and the same might be said for the men he was contacting. For better or worse, some former officers just might not want to be bothered (there's a hint of that in the letter below). On top of all that, Dunham was in Chicago and was having to write to upstate New York for help.
Consider some of the difficulties men in the ranks, like Dunham, faced in doing this: as time went on (this letter was written more than 25 years after the war), officers may have already passed away. Dunham confessed his own memory was weaker, and the same might be said for the men he was contacting. For better or worse, some former officers just might not want to be bothered (there's a hint of that in the letter below). On top of all that, Dunham was in Chicago and was having to write to upstate New York for help.
Enjoy. More pension ephemera is forthcoming.
April 15 '92 [1892]
[To] Maurice Leyden, Esq.
Dear Sir & Comrade
In my last communication I stated I would see Capt Ogden and Parkhurst (now located at Room 31 Howland Block, over Chicago Nat'l Bank) in the near future.
I will say I paid a visit this afternoon to Capt Ogden and he recognized me as being a member of Co. B, 3rd NY Cavalry, and while he does not recollect me as being sick (he not being a member of Co. B) he stated he would render me all the assistance in his power.
Parkhurst I also visited but he was so extremely busy that my conversation was somewhat brief, but he said he would give an affidavit so far as he could recollect.
If you deem my previous letters unsatisfactory evidence I would suggest that if affidavits from these two gentleman identifying me as M.S. Dunham of Co. B, 3rd NY Cavalry would be satisfactory, I will secure same and forward to you.
[Page 2]
The only obstacle that would then confront me would be the dates & names of the different places in which I was sick, if there is such a record.
These facts I cannot remember as my memory is considerably impaired. This I understand is necessary as I will be required to furnish proof from some member of the Co. to the fact that I was sick more or less since I was subject to the attack of smallpox.
Trusting I may hear from you,
I am Yours in [illeg],
Milton S. Durham
c/o Hooley's Theater
149 E Randolph
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